Monday, August 18, 2014

The Plan

The Ironman........ No big deal for a former D1 linebacker right? Well that's not quite the case. I have been training for the last 4-6 weeks for a few sprint triathlons and found that my swim could use some work. Well honestly I just hope I don't drown. I decided it is time to get serious and build a plan to get me across the finish line on May 16. Currently I feel comfortable that with a little training I can handle the bike and run but I am pretty concerned with the swim. I met with my coach (Jim Hayes - 5 Time Ironman) Saturday to help me with my stroke and feel there is a chance to get me out of the water with at least a little energy left in the tank. Here are my current benchmarks to track moving forward.

Swim - 400 meters 11:08
Bike - 14 miles 48:45
Run - 2.7 miles 21:50
*same distances as my first sprint triathlon

I will also be competing in several events along the way to help get a clear picture of how everything works around the start/finish and transition areas. Here is a current list of my competition events.

Sept 6 - Wurst Tri Ever - New Braunfels, TX (400m/14m/2.7)
Sept 27 - Kerrville Triathlon (Olympic Distance 1000m/29m/6.4m)
Nov 8 - Tour de Gruene - 65m bike
Dec 7 - Rock and Roll Marathon San Antonio (26.2m)
Mar 30 - Tall Texan Half Ironman (1.2m/56m/13.1m)
May 16 - Ironman Texas (2.4m/112/26.2)

As of today there is 270 days until May 16 to train and prepare for this challenge. I am looking into coaches at this time as well as nutrition options. I have learned that nutrition is very important so that as I lose calories I am able to replenish my body and maintain enough energy to finish. It is going to be a learning experience both mentally and physically and I am excited to get on a formal training schedule.

God Bless,

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